I recently signed up for Tumblr thanks to the influence of my eighteen year old cousin Marissa. She is quite the Millennial-totally into Urban Outfitters, Indie Rock bands and all things Internet related including Facebook, Twitter and Last.FM

Her Tumblr currently has 800 followers!! She has also created and maintained the blog for a charity she is involved in which raises awareness for pediatric cancer, check out them out 11:11amblog.tumblr.com
My other cousin Shayne (Marissa's brother) even has his own blog entitled "Whomping Stereo", which features the latest in the house music scene. Shayne is currently studying abroad in Barcelona where his appreciation for house music has really developed.
It is really cool to be able to share interests with my family, particularly music, social media, and cause-related marketing. Having said that, I highly suggest that those of you in the social media space check out Tumblr. While I absolutely LOVE the concept of written blogs, Tumblr is more photo based and as they say, "A picture is worth 1,000 words."
All in all, social media is proving to be a great way to for me to keep up to date on everything including my relatives. As a result of my social media connection with my cousins, I will continue "Tumbling" and expanding my house music repertoire well on into 2011.
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